Cool Metal Parts China pictures

A couple of good metal components china pictures I located:

Blue Metal and Light

Image by Stuck in Customs
A lot of regulars know that I like to get &quotlost&quot in cities and uncover tiny secrets right here or there. But, that’s frequently in the older, charming part of cities. I rarely go into the industrial or mega-residential areas since at times they are far more sterile or significantly less intriguing. Properly, this portion of Beijing is sort of a neo-industrial jungle of wild architecture and unexpected forms of light. There are dozens of brand-new buildings, each with exciting designs and numerous angles. I ended up staying in this area deep into the night.

from the blog

Way to the future appropriate now

Image by aurelio.asiain
Much much more greater at a close approach: the unfinished National Grand Theater of China, in Beijing, next to the Great Hall of the Men and women. With 150,000 square meters floor region, it was supposed to be finished and ready to have performances by 2005, but the construction is still going on. (This is part of a growing set, try operating the slideshow first.)