China&#39s Stealth Fighter Could Get a Lot Much better

China&#39s Stealth Fighter Could Get a Lot Much better
We don&#39t know significantly about the FC-31, China&#39s other stealth fighter prototype. But a non-flying model of the FC-31 that appeared at the Zhuhai air show in southern China in early November gives some compelling new clues. That&#39s simply because the model is&nbsp…
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Beijing Banned Export of Its New Stealth Fighter
There is other proof that China intends to preserve the J-20 all to itself. Shortly after the J-20&#39s debut, the rival Shenyang Aircraft Corporation unveiled its smaller sized FC-31 stealth fighter prototype. As opposed to the government-sponsored J-20, the FC-31 is …
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China Focus: China&#39s independent feel tanks on the brink
The prototype of China&#39s independent believe tanks, Dajun has concentrated on independent research in macroeconomics, institutional reform and social development for over 13 years. Right now, it struggles to survive in a market place dominated by government-backed&nbsp…
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