China tells Pakistan CPEC accomplishment depends on peaceful Pak-Afghan ties

China tells Pakistan CPEC achievement depends on peaceful Pak-Afghan ties
ISLAMABAD: Two days prior to the pay a visit to of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Pakistan on April 20, Beijing has asked Islamabad to upgrade the proposed program to construct a road network below the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) from six to eight lane&nbsp…
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Boeing Expands Its Helena Operation
The plant, acquired by Boeing five years ago, supplies components for most of the commercial models Boeing builds. … It will soon start adding to its 140-individual workforce as well, as the plant gets ready to develop wing attachments for a forthcoming stretch …
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The death and rebirth of Hyundai Trajet Y264 TKP
A few miles short of Swindon my car, laden with 4 teenagers, my wife, one teenager&#39s boyfriend, a dog, and attendant baggage comes to a sudden and it turns out, permanent, halt. Two days later Hyundai Trajet Y264 TKP is shunted into a Cornish garage …
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